Sunday, June 29, 2008

Powers/Psionics Support Added

After long last, support for Powers (which includes support for Psionics) has been added.  You can now add Power Talents, Power enhancements/limitations, as well as Power Abilities/Advantages.  

In addition, the powers appear on the Character and Notes PDFs.

Let me know if you find any problems!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Skill Defaults added

Due to user request, I have added the ability to add a skill to your sheet that you are not going to put any points into.  The benefit of doing so is that the default value will be added to your character sheet, but it doesn't deduct from the unspent points just to have it on your sheet.

At this point in time, there's no way for users to edit the defaults, so if you notice something missing or incorrect, feel free to contact me and let me know.  It's on my list, but there are a few other things I want to get done first.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Notes PDF Created

I've added Notes PDF generation to the PDF tab.  Since there are most likely more notes than there is space on the normal character sheet, I just created a separate PDF for this.

There are a few formatting issues.  Fill out the "issues" form if you find something and I'll work on correcting it.